Aims of the project:

  • Embed public voices in the SEACOVARIANTS research approach

  • Strengthen Researcher-Policy/Practitioner partnerships for pandemic preparedness

  • Develop platforms that involve the public, especially young people, in pandemic preparedness

SCOPE - Oxford University Clinical Research Units (OUCRU) in Vietnam & Indonesia, and Mahidol Oxford Research Unit (MORU) Thailand




Objective 1: Engaging key stakeholders to identify:

  •  Who played significant roles in public communication during the COVID19 pandemic (mapping)
  •  Who were most affected by the COVID19 pandemic, and which were the hard-to-reach groups
  •  How do policy makers/public health/ media want to work with researchers to better support their outbreak responses

Objective 2: Engagement framework

  •  Co-develop a framework that maps hard-to-reach groups and effective engagement/communication approaches for future outbreaks

Objective 3: Youth involvement

  • Develop platforms for engaging young people in pandemic preparedness 

Key activities


Outbreak Communication & Engagement Framework

A framework/tool that identifies key stakeholders involved in disease outbreaks.

•Individuals who played significant roles in managing and/or responding to public health communication & policies
•Impacted groups by the pandemic, in particular hard-to-reach/under served groups
•Identifies potential engagement approaches for more effective outbreak communication with the public, and in particular, hard-to-reach groups

SCOPE Outbreak Communication & Engagement Framework: A tool for:



Policy makers: To help them recognise key stakeholders they should prioritise to engage with for effective public health communication strategies around an outbreak
Health researchers: To help them consider engagement approaches that they could either include in their study design or use to engage with the public on an outbreak
Science communicators, media practitioners, public health professionals: To support design of activities promoting public understanding on pandemic preparedness and outbreak prevention
Community-based and youth-led organisations: To help them identify ways of involving community and young people in public health programmes, health research activities